GoKunming Forums

Recipe ideas

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

I'm looking for a few simple recipes I can teach to a 8-13 year old child, it should be very general, nothing too complicated, just enough that their parents can show off on their WeChat.

Does anyone have a link or any ideas. I could make up my own recipe but it would take me a long time and I don't have much of it now.

Thanks in advance!

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

If you have access to simple oven, then basic cookies only have three ingredients, sugar, flour and butter. Four if you add choc chips.
Simple muffins, eggs, flour, sugar, butter, baking powder. You need muffin tins (seen in Carrefour) and if you have a silicon muffin tray, then no paper muffin cups needed.
Agree with @Liu about pancakes, and you can make these more interesting with raisins.
Meatballs in (canned) spaghetti sauce.

What cooking equipment will the kids have access to?

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

I need to check with the parents, I don't think they would typically have an oven. I'd imagine a wok is about what I have to work with.

Pancake not a bad idea! Something easy but different. Very photogenic!

michael2015 (784 posts) • 0

Italian spaghetti with tomato meat sauce (and LOTS of garlic cloves) and mushrooms.
Pre stir fry lean ground beef or pork, drain the oil (but then again - that's the tastiest part, so you can also NOT drain the fat, but your arteries will harden incrementally).

Cut a pot full of tomatoes, 1kg of ground beef (or pork), several peeled cloves of garlic, chopped mushrooms (into cubes, NOT diced), bring to boil, then simmer for a few hours, stirring every 10-20 minutes. Add salt to suit your taste. You can also add black or white finely ground (or coarsely ground) pepper for a bit of zing.

Boil water, then add spaghetti or pasta of your choice and size (#6, #whatever). You may substitute other forms of pasta for variety (to include macaroni, but that's yukky to me).

It's difficult to screw this up unless you burn the sauce (it's been done) or over or under cook the pasta/spaghetti.

goldie122 (645 posts) • +1

Your post, OP, sounds very familiar. I have done french toast in a wok... very easy and the kids LOVED it. Served it with honey since syrup is nearly nonexistent here. Its easier than pancakes which require many more ingredients and more precise cooking. Good luck.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • +1

Syrup may be nearly non-existent, but I got the authentic Canadian maple syrup at Metro.

GracieMei (34 posts) • +2

I'd recommend lasagna.

It is really just assembling ingredients once you have cooked the meat.

I'd buy lasagna noodles that are oven ready.
1. Dice up onions and chop up garlic.

Saute them in a little but of butter.

Add 1 pound of ground beef.

Brown the meat.
2. Pour a bit of pasta sauce on the bottom of the pan, just enough to cover it.

3. Then layer your lasagna: lasagna noodles all going one direction; ricotta cheese spread out on top of noodles; add the meat; whatever veggies you want on it (spinach, olives, onions, mushrooms, etc.); Parmesan cheese sprinkled lightly over it; Cheddar cheese on top of that; then a layer of sauce.
4. Repeat step 3 except have the noodles going in the opposite direction.

Keep repeating until your pan fills up.

5. Put layer of sauce and cheese on top.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour (should be bubbling and golden brown on top).

NOTE: You can skip the meat if you don't like it.

And homemade pasta sauce is always the best, though store brands can also work.

If you buy store brand, I would recommend Barilla Olive Pasta Sauce... very tasty!

You will need at least 2 jars, if not 3!

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