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planning to visit Lijiang in Aug this year. Wished I'd done it sooner when i had a chance 8 yrs ago! The price doesn't bother me so much as the touristiness of it all. oh well!


I am happy to read about the growing people's and governments' awareness of Kunming's environment. I would like to add to the awareness by pointing out one particular very disturbing element of noise polution, which are the blasting loudspeakers in and outside shops in the commercial areas. Don't you sometimes wish to kick them to pieces?

Actually the festival started last week and much video is already available of it online at the Smithsonian websites for those of too stranded in Yunnan to learn about Yunnan! The full run of the festivities were/are June 27-July 1 and July 4-8.

Actually Kunming has three Wal-marts (Xiao Ximen, Baita Lu-on the way to the airport, on one on the east side).

It's great that Kunming is not destined to have the economic development of Shanghai. It would probably ruin what is best about living here: the relaxed pace of life and relatively "unspoiled" environment. Yes, people litter like fiends and driving skills of Kunmingers are poor, but the skies are clear, the breezes refreshing and the flowers bloom year round. That is priceless!


that international herald tribune article may have been the worst written thing i've ever seen. for one thing this happens every year -- you'd think that they could get some more interesting info on the problem, the cause, whether or not this year's bloom is better or worse than last year (conflicting in the article) etc etc. the fact that the headline says 'threatens water supply' but the body text points out that kunming's water supply isn't actually threatened is also annoying.

there are interesting things to be said about dianchi, too bad the IHT article missed them all. gokunming generally has better coverage of everything than the international media.


Sorry, I beg to differ - the TV station is a miserable eyesore that must surely offend the mountain's spirits and the work team were anything but friendly to me.


Yunnan Hongta Football Club no longer exists. The franchise was sold about 3 years ago. The pitch can be rented to play football (1000kuai for 2 hours).


Thanks for your kind thoughts on Peter Gardner. He reached out to all of us who knew him with kindness and witt. As a newcomer to Kunming last month, Peter helped me find my way on the 84 and 74 buses, took me to the bank and Wallmart. We shared meals together. He is missed but always remembered. Bob