GoKunming Forums

Dancing Grannies

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

if you ever lived near dama you will know how grud damn annouying the constant din is no small matter. even the chin governent has raised the issue. as they got richer some of them are now carting around large mobile sound ssytems with built in amps with wheels. we can hear them from 300 yards away over the background noise of the city. turned up to 11 and distortion levels. if you live in the same quad it is hell. can't sleep, can't think sometimes. glad we have now moved.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

So Matt, where is the line between where a cultural phenomenon is untouchable to outside criticism and one that is? Can I criticize health hazards? How about reckless behavior that endanger other people's lives? And most importantly, can I complain about my in-laws cooking?

laofengzi (376 posts) • 0

my community banned these large gatherings ob guangfu lu. they migrated to the banking parking lot next door. the bank now hired a guard to watch the area during off hours. many of these grannies try to sue the area if they get hurt

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Tonyaod, my opinion is that the things which are not cultural, are those things that all cultures on earth agree are wrong. This is a short list, including things like murder.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

It's funny but when I hear the word 'granny' I think of a sweet little old lady. A lot of these 'granny' are not so sweet. They're right down hostile! Ha.Ha.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@mmeddy, but even something like murder is not universal. How many primitive tribes murder members of the other tribe to show their manhood? Is the taking of livestock considered murder?

So again, things are not as clear cut as you would like to believe. We live in a complicated world where there are no right or wrong, the line between the left and the right is blurred and all relative. So think about that the next time you run around screaming "it's cultural".

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Tonyaod, I never said that things were clearcut. In fact, I understand that there are many grey areas in life. That is, in fact, why I have always maintained that my posts are simply the opinions of one man. I may be wrong.

That having been said, I maintain that murder is universally wrong, and that any culture that condones it is wrong.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Tonyaod, also, my point was about things like crappy, processed, American plastic food blaring out the psychologically-damaging McDonald's song over and over, 24/7, and people getting all excited about a freaking Whopper.

Otto Melon (46 posts) • 0

Well, in the interests of research I've just taken my life in my hands and been out for an evening stroll on the streets of Kunming. It is indeed a frightening place. I encountered three packs of dama.

I heard the first before I saw it. It was an evocative and ethereal sound, a melody from China's long-forgotten past. As I rounded the building, there I saw them - thirty middle-aged women, arranged in serried ranks, advancing in unison towards me, one, two, three, four paces. A shiver ran through my spine. Adrenalin coursed through my veins as I prepared for fight or flight, but then, on some unseen cue, the women retreated four paces, and performed a strange gyration, which I can only imagine was some sort of primitive ritual. I sighed with relief, but to my horror, the women advanced again, only to retreat as they had done before. This taunting continued for some time. I was paralysed with fear. Eventually the cacophony ceased, the spell was broken, and I turned and ran, before they had time to change the CD. I did not look back.

But, as I entered the local park – no! another pack of dama, this time almost sixty strong. These women were older, and moved more slowly, and yet that only seemed to make them even more menacing. Many were grey haired, some leaned on wooden sticks, symbols of seniority, I imagine, perhaps the source of arcane power. They did not move in co-ordination as the first group had done. Each moved at her own pace, in her own way, randomly almost, a strategy which I am certain was designed to confuse the enemy. My mind was muddled as I tried to watch them, tried not to watch them, and my head started to spin. Though my Chinese is not good, I could make out some of the incantations coming from the loud speakers – "laopo zui da, laogong di er" – I perceived these harpies were performing some kind of fertility ritual – and I did not want to be taken as their quarry. No match for such a formidable group, I summoned all my strength and fled. I pity the poor souls who did not have my resolve. Many older men had been caught by the spell, and could not remove their eyes from the twisting, writhing, wrinkled bodies of the aged dama.

But in my panic, I ran straight into the middle of a third pack. They were fewer, but they were younger and more athletic. Some were wearing stretchy leggings and tight tops – too tight in fact, revealing and sensuous. It was too much for me. I had no more strength to resist, for the music too, was captivating beyond words. I could no longer help myself. I stepped into the throng, stood in line, raised my voice and sang with all my might, "I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world..."

Who will save me? Tonyaod, will you come to my aid? Dazzer, will you rescue me from this strange and terrifying addiction? Liumingke, forgive my foolish taunting and have pity on me. Neddy, do not be fooled. This menace on the streets of our beloved city is real. These women are not to be trifled with. Rise up, and write to the mayor's office before you too fall under their spell.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

But mmeddy, I have always maintained that your position constantly shifts and many times contradict each other. Some people complain about spitting and you shout "it's cultural" we shouldn't complain. When some one complains about being gouged by taxi drivers, you shout "it's cultural" we shouldn't complain. And yet you firmly believe that what ever you believe is "universally wrong", even if it is condoned by the said culture, is wrong regardless. Can't you take your own logic and accept that when people get riled up about spitting, they too believe it is "universally wrong". When Hugo report the taxi drivers he is also exercising his belief that price gouging is "universally wrong".

Crappy, processed, plastic food is your subjective opinion, others believes it is mmmmgoood. So what makes your opinion more valid than others to a point you feel you need to engage in a forceful debate by shouting people down?

I recall not too long ago you were going out of your way to seek out some locally brewed beer. Should I start a thread about how ridiculous it is to get all excited over sub-par beer? Should I beat you over the head by saying beer is not culturally native to China and so you've violated some cardinal sin?

I rest my case.

PS, to stay on topic. Dama's should respect public places and other's rights to enjoy them. If their dancing does not cause a public nuisance then let them be.

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