Kunming Events Calendar

Culture 6:45pm

Green Screening: A Plastic Ocean


Hi y’all. Very excited to announce that Green Solutions’ very first community film screening will take place this month on the 22nd at EGO Craft Beer. This month we feature an amazing documentary film, a guest speaker who is an AOW certified diver and eco-bricking workshop. Extract the QR code to secure a seat(free admission, limited spots). Please prepare some clean single-use plastic and a stick if you have. EGO got an amazing selection of beer on tap, 10% off for the night. Hope I will see you there!

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to SPEAK at our next event.

非常激动地宣布Green Solutions(无塑料零售店)的第一期电影放映活动将于本月22号在EGO精酿啤酒举行。这期,我们精心挑选了一部非常高质量的记录片,邀请了开放水域进阶潜水员作为我们的演讲嘉宾以及影后生态砖制作活动。请扫码预定你的席位, 免费活动,名额有限。如果你有准备丢弃的一次性塑料,我们建议你将它清洗晾干,带到活动现场。EGO精酿啤酒有众多口味选择,活动当晚参与者享受精酿啤酒9折优惠。希望下周三能见到你。如果你有兴趣在我们下期的活动上分享你的故事,请直接和我们联系,非常感激。

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Added by Green Solutions,
Last updated by Philou,
Ego Brewery • Qicai Junyuan, number 3 building 11