Kunming Events Calendar

Classes 5:30pm

Chinese study group:Practical Chinese


Heyyyyy, this Yan who is in charge of the biggest language exchange in Kunming. We have been thinking about create a study group to share the practical Chinese knowledge. Which is why few weeks ago, we did a survey on "Which aspect of Chinese that you want to improve the most?" And the result shows that people are most interested in real life situation Chinese and Chinese News.

While learning a language, it always hard When it comes to reach to the level where you want to speak like a native speaker, read the news, understand the culture, etc., Sometimes you don't even know how or where to start.

So! No text books, no outdated materials; we are going to use real life examples to help you become Chinese 老炮儿!

Now, we are finally ready to introduce you our study group, and the first one is coming on Tuesday 19:00-20:30, topic: Bargaining,(also works for contract negotiating, renting houses, etc).Suitable for people who are HSK3 or better.10 space limited.
Second one is on Saturday evening 19:30-21:00, topic:how to read Chinese news. 10 space limited, suitable for people who are HSK5 level or better.

Plz contact: Liangyan-Liu if you are interested!

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Last updated by GoKunming,
Wuyan Chinese School • 63 Hongshan Donglu, Bashi Xiyuan, building 2A, 702