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Photo contest to promote conservation in Yunnan

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Yunnan's biodiversity and nature reserves are the subject of the first Yunnan Biological Conservation photo contest, which is now accepting submissions of nature- and conservation-related photos taken in Yunnan. The government-hosted contest will award more than 115,000 yuan in cash prizes to winning photographers.

The contest, which is being held entirely online, will award one gold medal, three silver medals, six bronze medals and 10 medals of excellence to winning photos in three categories: nature reserves or ecological landscapes, wild plants or animals, and ecological protection and management in action.

For each category, gold medal winners will be awarded 6,000 yuan cash. Silver winners will receive 3,500 yuan, bronze winners 2,000 yuan and medal of excellence winners 1,000 yuan.

Photo admissions will be accepted until August 1, after which the Yunnan Forestry Department and the Yunnan Provincial Government News Office, which are the main hosts of the contest, will hold a ceremony to display the winning photos and award photographers with cash prizes.

Co-organizers and sponsors of the contest also include the WWF, Yunnan Association for Wildlife Protection, Yunnan News Photography Society and (perhaps ironically) Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co Ltd.

According to a WWF press release, contest organizers hope to use the winning photos and the contest itself to promote awareness of conservation efforts in Yunnan. To apply and submit photos, visit the contest's official website or contact Yunnan Nature Conservation at 0871-316679 for more information.

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