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Forums > Study > Chinese Grammar Basics

Chinese Grammar Basics

Grammar plays the key role in bringing chinese characters together. in compensation, chinese grammar is considerably easier than english. here are just some examples of difference between chinese and english for your reference.

1. As there are no singular and plural in chinese, subject-verb agreement doesn''t exist.

English: I am a student. we are students.

Chinese: 我是学生,我们是学生

Chinese personal pronouns are pluralized by adding the suffix .

For example, = i, 我们= we

2. Chinese verbs do not express time, but simply action, so chinese has no verb tenses.

English :I am learning chinese.I learn chinese.

Chinese :我学中文我学习中文

Notice that there is no difference between "i learn chinese" and "i am learning chinese" in chinese. Then how to let others know whether the thing has happened or not? In chinese, adverbs are frequently used to take the place of verb tense.

明天 tomorrow to show the thing has not happened yet

昨天 yesterday to show the thing has happened already

现在 right now to show the thing is happening

3. Chinese has no genitive case, character is used to indicate possession.

English:This is my pen. Nancy's friend is very smart.


Ok, here above are just three simple examples. You will encounter much more on your way of learning chinese.

Forums > Study > Chinese Pinyin Tones

There are four tones in Mandarin Chinese Pinyin, plus one neutral tone(or called "no tone").


First tone in Chinese Pinyin

The first tone is marked as a straight line like this¯. It has a long and sustained sound (as if singing a note).


Second tone in Chinese Pinyin

The second tone is marked upwards like thisˊ . It is a rising tone (start from the lower part of your voice, then go up).


Third tone in Chinese Pinyin

The third tone is marked down and up like this ˇ. It is a low and curved tone. Try to go as low as you can and then bounce up.


Fourth in Chinese Pinyin

The fourth tone is marked downwards like thisˋ. It is a falling tone (start from the grating highest part of your voice, then go down, as if exclaiming).


Neutral in Chinese Pinyin

The neutral tone has no mark. It is a short and light tone.


Where should I mark the tones?

Tones should be marked on a vowel. If a word has more than one vowel, the tone should be marked on the main vowel of the word. Vowels are listed in the following order: a, o, e, i, u and ü. As the vowel 'a' appears first in this list, the tone in the word liao should be marked on the vowel 'a'.


音调应标记在元音上如果一个词有多个元音,语调应标明这个词的主要元音元音列出以下顺序:1,a, o, e, i, u。由于元音'a'出现在这个列表中第一位,liao中音调应该标在'a'.

Forums > Study > The Composition of the Chinese Characters

The Composition of the Chinese Characters

The composition of the main characters are in three ways:

1.Pictographic method

This is the earliest form of Chinese characters method to create the most original characters, Example: "" 、"" 、" "、" "and so on take the shape of each term. These Pictographic characters changed the original character of the physical into a subsequent Founder fonts after gradual evolution, and some reduction in the number of strokes and some strokes added by the rules have become irregular fonts.



2.Associative law

It's easier to see the creation of truth through Pictographic characters, but they should not express an abstract meaning. The ancients would have created another law —— Ideographic law. They used different symbols or borrowing Pictographic characters to add some symbols to express an abstract meaning. Example: the character "" is made up of "" and "", meaning bringing bright. "" is made up of "" and"" meaning the sun is rising from the horizon.



4.Pictophonetic Law

Ideographic characters and Pictographic characters can be seen from the shape on the meaning of the words, but they are not allowed to deliver voice. And therefore people created a sound law-shaped characters. To express the sound of voices and express the meaning of the side next to match the shape, a lot of new words came into being. Example: the character "" is made up of phonetic character "" and meaning character "";" " is a combination of the word "" and "++" with a form and so on so forth. According to statistics, Pictophonetic Characters account for about 90% of Chinese characters. The formation and development of Chinese characters, become an important tool for the exchange of ideas, adapted to the needs of human social life.


象形字和会意字都能从字形上看出字的意义,但却不能读出声音因此又创造了形声法来造字把表示声音的声旁和表示意义的形旁搭配起来,组成很多新字:"" 字是表音的""字和表形的""字的结合;""字是由"""++" 搭配而成这样文字越早越多,据统计,形声字占汉字的90%左右汉字的形成和发展,成为人类交流思想的重要工具,适应了人类社会生活的需要

Forums > Study > How to stduy Chinese?

How to stduy Chinese?

I point out three key method :interest,input,practice.


First,interest is the best teacher.If you want to be good at Chinese,you must bring up your interest of learning Chinese .Interest can help you fight against whit dull.Find something you like to do.For example you like to watch TV,so you can watch some Chinese TV with your mother language caption.If you like to chatting,you can using Chinese to chatting with Chinese throughth internet,or by other ways.


Second,you must insist on studying.No input,no output.So you must learn some chinese character or phrase every somedays.After studying,it is better to use the character you have learn to write some chinese article,or chatting wiht chinese.So you can not forget the character or phrase. Do not stop learn for long,and learn continue to learn .If so,it almost impossible for you to be good at Chinese.But i advise you that not to learn too more by one time of learning Chinese.If so,you may be feel dull and then stop to learn Chinese.


Third,do not afraid to make mistake.Do not afraid make joke.Do not be too care with grammar.If you are too care with the grammar,it will be too dull to do practice everytime ervrywhere you want to practise chinese.Remember that if you want to be good at chinese,you must do more pratice.


The last.Creat a chinese environment as we know.The best way to learn chinese is to creat a chinese environment.Because it has more pritise chance,less dull,and you can remember what you study for long times,may be all your life.So many foreigners come to china for studying.But if you can not come to china,you can use the internet,or some other ways.


I hope that you can use the methods to learn chinese.So you can make greate progress by using less time.Thank you for you reading.


Forums > Study > Very good free Chinese self-study materials

There is a new free online Chinese textbook at:

No registration is needed and the site is free.

The site has dialogs, example sentences, vocabulary development, grammar explanations, as well as practice activities. MP3 downloads of native speakers from northern China are available for some units.

In this first lesson we will learn the pronouns, the verb "to be", and the occupations "student", "teacher", and "businessperson".

After all, aren't we a little bit of all three?

The simple sentence pattern of pronoun + be + complement is a a quick and easy way to convey information about people - "He is an American", "They are students", "She is my coworker" etc.

Once you get in the basic form, it's simply a matter of plugging in additional vocabulary (which we will do in later lessons).

1.01 Pronouns










You all







He and she have the same pronunciation in Mandarin, tā; in the written language they are differentiated by their characters, for he and for she.

To make the plural of any pronoun just add men to the singular form of the pronoun. Please note that the distinction between plural and singular is not quite as important in Chinese, often the plural will simply be implied by the context.

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