GoKunming Forums

Is this exploitation?

Canuck11 (11 posts) • 0

I don't think of the word exploitation as implying force. Just semantics I guess, and it doesnt really matter.

Yeah I had just spoken with a couple folks in a homestay program recently. None of what they said sounded good. So I thought it fit the bill under "exploitation."

I think its in the same vein as those placement agencies that make you pay to volunteer. They're all shams, that unfortunately a certain number of people will not see it before its too late.

misfit (113 posts) • 0

what's the difference between this program and maybe some volunteering in ONG in India or Nepal, mostly run by mafia to do money lundry?
and what about free internships in western world usually translated as printing documents, data entry, etc

the volunteer anyway will tell to his friend that he had a real experience in a remote chinese village, he will make some nice photos to show off on his facebook, he can even learn how to run a bar.
no exploitation, just clever choice from the managers.

tommann (423 posts) • 0

The Medieval word for this situation is "serfdom".

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