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The Composition of the Chinese Characters

boxerweak (7 posts) • 0

The Composition of the Chinese Characters

The composition of the main characters are in three ways:

1.Pictographic method

This is the earliest form of Chinese characters method to create the most original characters, Example: "" 、"" 、" "、" "and so on take the shape of each term. These Pictographic characters changed the original character of the physical into a subsequent Founder fonts after gradual evolution, and some reduction in the number of strokes and some strokes added by the rules have become irregular fonts.



2.Associative law

It's easier to see the creation of truth through Pictographic characters, but they should not express an abstract meaning. The ancients would have created another law —— Ideographic law. They used different symbols or borrowing Pictographic characters to add some symbols to express an abstract meaning. Example: the character "" is made up of "" and "", meaning bringing bright. "" is made up of "" and"" meaning the sun is rising from the horizon.



4.Pictophonetic Law

Ideographic characters and Pictographic characters can be seen from the shape on the meaning of the words, but they are not allowed to deliver voice. And therefore people created a sound law-shaped characters. To express the sound of voices and express the meaning of the side next to match the shape, a lot of new words came into being. Example: the character "" is made up of phonetic character "" and meaning character "";" " is a combination of the word "" and "++" with a form and so on so forth. According to statistics, Pictophonetic Characters account for about 90% of Chinese characters. The formation and development of Chinese characters, become an important tool for the exchange of ideas, adapted to the needs of human social life.


象形字和会意字都能从字形上看出字的意义,但却不能读出声音因此又创造了形声法来造字把表示声音的声旁和表示意义的形旁搭配起来,组成很多新字:"" 字是表音的""字和表形的""字的结合;""字是由"""++" 搭配而成这样文字越早越多,据统计,形声字占汉字的90%左右汉字的形成和发展,成为人类交流思想的重要工具,适应了人类社会生活的需要

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