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Forums > Study > research in China

I also wrote my german supervisor, because he knows her personally and he maybe have others contacts that could help me, but also, still no answer. It´s a waiting game which is driving me nuts. I can´t do anything about it, just wait, feeling happy when I have positive mails and then again feeling disappointed because the former yes always turns into a no.

Forums > Study > research in China

so maybe you guys want to have an update. Because I want to tell you, that I didn´t blowed that off with shanghai, THEY did.
I had a really nice contact with the person from the University, and she was very convinced that I can enroll at their University, because they offer this a lot for foreigners. And that I could enroll as her personal doctoral student and also would be able to do fieldwork in Yunnan, she already asked the secretary. So it already was a YES from the University side, it was just about the duration of time. So I was REALLY happy, last week on tuesday she told me. Yesterday I still didn´t hear back from her so I asked her what the secretary said. And she just answered she will not be able to host my visit. nothing more. no explanation. I asked why, because it already seemed safe, no answer.

So right now, I am super frustrated, because she already said yes and suddenly a no without any explanation. I don´t understand anything right now.

Forums > Study > research in China

So we can just stop discussing. I don´t have a german boyfriend, I don´t have a chinese boyfriend. I just wanted to ask for some advices how I could manage going to pu'er for my fieldwork. Not more.

Forums > Study > research in China

I´m just shocked that people who don´t know what I wrote say "i guess you blowed that one then". Because I never said that I will told the shanghai person "I really want to be somewhere else". but YES, I told the person that I planned to go to Pu'er doing fieldwork there, guess why? Exactly, my supervisor told me to attach my actual proposal. and guess what? I wrote about Pu'er. So I can´t say "my plan is to go to shanghai, because from the first minute I starte my PhD I wanted to go to Shanghai".
So I would be very thankful, if the people here wouldn´t be that judgy and unfriendly, because I really try to be friendly though. I am just a german girl who wanted to have advices what else I could do.

And this isn´t against all the nice people here who answered and gave me helpful hints!

Forums > Study > research in China

People shouldn´t be that judgy when they don´t have a clue what the content of the mail I sent to the person in Shanghai is.


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