
Type o negative blood

veravdn (44 posts) • 0

Type 0 negative blood is rare, and especially so in China. We can only receive blood from other type 0 negatives so we're quite limited, and it could be an acute problem in case of emergency.

If you are also type 0 negative and would like to know others (just in case) please send me your WeChat and I'll add you to a group.

baiyuxiang (111 posts) • +3

Yes, it's good to be aware of this. Donating at the blood bank or one of its mobile units (passport required) will help, as donors are supposed to be guaranteed blood in the event they need it. Just hang on to the donation receipts.

veravdn (44 posts) • +1

Yes that's not cool. I was a blood donor in my home country so I knew already. What I didn't know was that it is so rare here. You might want to have it checked again @Dude

The_Dude (17 posts) • +1

On my birth certificate A+ and at blood donations as well.

I'm assuming they haven't recalibrated their tests in a while. Would rather be mistested as O- than anything else.

Still, I've told the important people around me incase something happens

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