
Possibility of H1N1 (SWINE / PIG) FLU in Kunming...

ekoorbr (50 posts) • 0


I like your perspective but I'm not sure if the combative approach is most useful for the vegetarian cause. A universalist vegetarian or vegan philosphy is extremely new in human history. We need to be about education more than antagonism or revolution. Or that's what I kind of think now.

Anyway, I'd be happy to discuss the vegetarian movement with a fellow traveller. If you have time drop me a line at ekoorbr@hotmail.com

bucko (695 posts) • 0

Did you know the microwave energy in cell phones is what causes the mutation and transmission of H1N1 virus? Also that the microwaves are addicting? It took the govt years to develope AMT (addictive microwave technology). Ever hear of Area-51? It's not about UFO's.... it's about AMT! Nuff said.
Yes! So you see the H1N1 virus is really a conspiracy to support the paper industry since it has lost so much profits with the decline of the newspaper. Paper mask manufacturing will do the trick. Oh crap!! My phones ringing again.

Piglet (2 posts) • 0

Seriously though, all this talk of swine flu just makes me want to eat more bacon. Sorry if that's wrong.

TheSwedishGuy (64 posts) • 0

I don't really feel worried at all, this is a flu that doesn't kill more people than any other flu. Besides, a normal cold kills a lot during winter and summer, I should know. I used to bury people... anyone in need of my services?

LaidbackBen (6 posts) • 0

Heya fellas,

I thought it was a reason to panic because in the beginning, out of 800-something cases, 160 or so people were reported dead because of swine flue, but now -almost magically- that number goes down to about 20. I guess the media was looking to cause panic. I only found that out the other day.

anywho, I'll still wear the breathing masks because it's not worth missing a day at work.

*shrug* It kills just as many people as any other flu virus now, so there's nothing to worry about.

timkunming (87 posts) • 0

It's a North Korean plot to increase the price of their pork once all the other countries pork supplies are eradicated...then they can make TAE PO DONG III and rule the world!

They're so ronery, after all...

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

A Swedish guy wrote: "I should know. I used to bury people... anyone in need of my services?"

I was wondering how the Swedish mafia was doing these days with the increased competition from the Russians and the other gangs. What exactly do you guys do? I assume it involves smuggling fish and IKEA furniture as well as trafficking Swedes out of the country for a better life. Was it you who burried Palme? Come on you can spill the beans here,, It'll stay between you and me.

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