
Avocados around?

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

Just to let you all know American avocados are not allowed to be imported by the Chinese government. It maybe phytosanitary reasons. Many other countries may not officially be allowed to export to China. In general the Chinese have not experienced this great fruit so no demand. Many of my Chinese friends here once introduced and told why they are good for you enjoy Avocados.

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

Just to let you all know American avocados are not allowed to be imported by the Chinese government. It maybe phytosanitary reasons. Many other countries may not officially be allowed to export to China. In general the Chinese have not experienced this great fruit so no demand. Many of my Chinese friends here once introduced and told why they are good for you enjoy Avocados.

DanTheMan (620 posts) • 0

Um, @yuanshawn, did you read the other posts? Metro has them from time to time and Salvador's has them from now until sometime late in the winter.

BillDan (268 posts) • 0

I got some info that you can order avocados grown in Myanmar for about 6RMB each. I think they can be delivered to you as well.

The info I have is:


colinflahive (167 posts) • 0

Avocados are back at Salvador's. Hopefully this time we'll have them for the foreseeable future. You can buy them whole for 16 RMB each or add sliced avocado or guacamole to any dish... or try the new mango avocado mint salad.

Lance666 (7 posts) • 0

Every edible avocado I've seen in mainland China for the past 11 years in several provinces have come from Mexico (90%) or Australia. That means different seasons southern / northern hemisphere. They are readily available almost year round at Carrefour, Tesco, and RT Mart here in the Shanghai area. Price is usually through the roof, but RT Mart is now selling them for 7 RMB / 500g (about one-eighth the price at other markets). I have found them at mom & pop fruit stands, but usually very poor quality, due to incorrect handling (delivered by bicycle on bumpy roads).

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