
What's your favourite Chinese dish?

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

Food is always a great topic and I'd love to get some suggestions for dishes I haven't tried yet,, and let's face it: most of us foreigners have tried only a fraction of the insane amount of dishes from the Chinese kitchen(s).

Submit your top 3. Here are mine (excuse my lousy hanzi/pinyin)

1. Gong Bao Ji Ding, 宫爆鸡丁. Sorry,, no way around a top spot for this laowai all time favourite :)

2. Hong Shao Rou, 紅燒肉. When cooked right hui fan this is just heaven. Sadly it often contains a truckload of fat.

3. Ji Dan Huo Tiu Cao Fan. I am lost here on the spelling. Egg friend rice with ham and green peppers. This is just so darn good.

Top 3 only so no room for Hui Guo Rou, Yang Rou Chuar, Xihong shi chao Ji dan, Ma Po Doufu or,, or,,, or,,

123go (145 posts) • 0

Mine are:

But every dish made here in kunming is totally different, different ingredients, different taste.
I believe ten restaurants can give you ten different 宫爆鸡丁

123go (145 posts) • 0

Good topic man, So hard to decide.

Mine could be:(top 3)
涮羊肉(good good good)
地三鲜(Vegetarian, but soo different)
Single dishes:
京酱肉丝(peking cuisine, sweet sauce)
沙茶牛肉(guangdong cuisine)
水煮牛肉(hot hot spicy but decilious)
Yunnan cuisine single dish:
红三剁(easy for you to do this dish)

Every dish made here in kunming is totally different, different ingredients, different sauce.
I think people here they so much love oil.

Johnson02 (11 posts) • 0

"Dubai Club" is one branch of "伊天园", they have several branches around kunming, each one has different cute name, like:Aladdin, Sinbad,dubai club, etc. The one on Jiaoling Rd. is the oldest and smallest branch, price is acceptable. My favorite dish is the "xiaodao duck小刀鸭",different from"片皮鸭",more ,delicious, give a try.

debaser (647 posts) • 0

@Johnson02 - why are you copying posts from other people in other threads? the above post was by '123go' on March 27 it the thread 'Middle-Eastern restaurants?'. are you 123go? but you've also been copying other posts from other people.

when i look in the forums on here i don't want to be seeing loads or irrelevant and copied posts. i asked the management about this but have had no reply as yet. i've also PM'd the user... i'm waiting for the reply.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

The only dish that I really have gone back for is Hui Mian.
It is a Henan dish, and as it is noodles, it is hard for cooks to cook it wrong.

Basically pulled noodles in a lamb broth. With added vermicelli, quail egg or two, a little lamb meat, and a smattering of veg.

BTW, is was in a hotel last week and had the noodles for breakfast. I figured that noodles wouldn't be prepared incorrectly. Unlike the omelettes, bacon, sausage, and cake bread I have been offered.

English Tutour (123 posts) • 0

Sorry - more than 3 in each category!
Yunnan - Bridge Noodles
Yunnan - Pineapple Rice
Yunnan - Dian Dou Hua
Yunnan - Steamed Chicken and Chili Sauce

Peking Duck or Yi Liang Duck
Yang Zhou Fried Rice
Egg and Tomato Soup with Cilantro and Sesame Oil
Mapo Dofu

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

My wife - all top 3 categories - and anything she cooks. And I know JJ will vote his wife fills all of his top 3's also. Not sharing...

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