User profile: laofengzi

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Forums > Living in Kunming > vaccinations for children

haracteristic Schizophrenia symptoms:

Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated):

Delusions - false beliefs strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: for example,
Paranoid delusions, or delusions of persecution, for example believing that people are "out to get" you, or the thought that people are doing things when there is no external evidence that such things are taking place.
Delusions of reference - when things in the environment seem to be directly related to you even though they are not. For example it may seem as if people are talking about you or special personal messages are being communicated to you through the TV, radio, or other media.
Somatic Delusions are false beliefs about your body - for example that a terrible physical illness exists or that something foreign is inside or passing through your body.
Delusions of grandeur - for example when you believe that you are very special or have special powers or abilities. An example of a grandiouse delusion is thinking you are a famous rock star.


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well you have a good eye. its just the digital filter that kind of makes the images off putting.

3 varying iso of the same image processed through real HDR program would of looked amazing.


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