GoKunming Forums

Lost my dog! Hope to find her with your kind help!

serenaLi (20 posts) • 0

I lost my dog XingXing, a ten-year old yellowish female papillon near the West Station Bridge (Xi Zhan Lijiaoqiao) in Wuhua District on 13th December. She has got black eyes and black nose, with ears pointing up all the time, wearing a pink little dress then.

I have been looking for her since then, but still haven't found her yet. She has been with me for ten years, so she is like a family to me. Now I am really worried. If you guys have seen her somewhere or have kindly taken her in, please contact Serena, whose telephone number is 13278781858, thank you so much!!

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

You might want to invest in a gps tracker next time. Especially if you are not going to put her on a leash and keep her in your line of sight. Hope you find her.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

how do you lose a dog? you should learn to never leave your dog out of your sight! silly person.

atwillden (109 posts) • 0

While the advice on not losing the dog may be good, it isn't exactly helpful. The OP probably feels bad and stupid about losing the dog in the first place, so maybe show a bit of empathy, eh?

serenaLi (20 posts) • 0

Thanks for all your replies. Accident happens. But I'm not gonna give up on her. Wish me luck! All the best to all of you guys.

serenaLi (20 posts) • 0

I sent out like a million coppies of her pic, and asked half strangers on the streets, but still haven't got any luck yet. But I won't give up so easily, because she is my family. Wish me luck for tomorrow, hope I can find her!

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