GoKunming Forums

Problems wiring funds to foreign bank account

herenow (357 posts) • 0

I need to send money to my US bank account, so I'm trying to find a bank branch in Kunming that will take cash RMB from non-account holders and set up a direct wire transfer. I was able to do this routinely in another province where I lived until recently. But I haven't been able to do the same thing in Kunming – I have visited multiple banks with Chinese people accompanying me and have run into various roadblocks.

Several people on a recent thread (www.gokunming.com/en/forums/thread/8773) said they were able to transfer funds to their foreign accounts, but I tried some of the same banks mentioned on that thread unsuccessfully. This leads me to suspect it's a matter of finding a specific branch location with staff who have some expertise in transfers.

So, if you have used a branch of a bank in Kunming (at which you are not an account holder) to wire money to a foreign bank account, I would appreciate if you can share:
- The name of the bank and (most importantly) the specific branch location

- The documents/information you had to provide
- Any other information that might be helpful (e.g., name or identifying characteristics of the bank staffer who helped you, fees you paid, how recently you used the service... )

(I don't want to use Western Union, since they won't send funds directly to a bank account.)

Many thanks in advance.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

If you are working here legally, your employer can usually arrange to have a proportion of you salary paid into an OS bank account. But only if they can be bothered. Bu xing means nothing here, see below.

As for bank branches, you need to find the HQ branch of the bank in Kunming. Most are on Renmin Lu, most near the junction with QingNian Lu.

If the bank says 'BuXing', try turning the question into, 'How would you do this?' or 'Where could I do this?'. Like iRobot, you have to ask the right question.

Literally translated, 'Bu xing' means 'impossible. In reality it usually means - I don't know but won't admit it, or I am about to go for lunch.

Leads me on to another one, don't try to get anything non-mainstream done at or around lunchtime. Basically 11.30-2.00.

Long-Dragon (390 posts) • 0

Try Bank of China main Kunming branch on the corner of Beijing Lu and Ren Min Zhong Lu. Also try HSBC in the Junfa Center 987 Bejing Lu. It might help to set up a personal account at one of these banks especially if you are American while you can.

Long-Dragon (390 posts) • 0

If you are a foreigner they usually do not permit you to put RMB into USD to send out. Chinese citizens can. This is sometimes not clearly explained.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

The main BOC in KM is your best bet. Your subject to the annual limit out and can only wire to a personal account or educational institution, not to business or trading accounts.

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