GoKunming Forums

Forum inconsistencies

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Sorry, for upsetting you I'm sure your parents are fine people and so are most of the missionaries I met previously, when you hang out with them. And as I said I worked with a lot of them for a period of 6 years. As persons they probably mean well, but I still think what missionaries do is evil. Not trying to troll here about religion or ethics.

But I think most people would agree with the idea that targeting the weak and troubled for the cause, and try to win them over for something that brings personal gain and quiet often financially or in terms of career advances. Disregarding the safety and concerns even under wrongful promises. Even in countries that are more hostile to certain religious influences.

This way, although being done for many centuries and millennia, doens't make it any more right.
And it doesn't seem Christian to me.

I'm sorry again, if I offended your parents or you Ocean, that was not my intention. And I understand and I am very grateful for your view on this, especially being from a very religious family.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

Thank you. Apology readily accepted.
I can understand some people might dislike the work missionaries do or the way some do it. Personally I think the proportion that "target the weak and troubled ...for financial gain" is incredibly small (if it was the main aim, wouldn't they target the rich and powerful?). The vast majority do indeed focus on the poor and disadvantaged, but with the best of holistic intentions. Thank you again for your conciliatory reply.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

The real purpose of these forums is to talk about ridiculous topics - mostly food and restaurants and bars. Look at the forums and see the many replies they generate. Another big topic is to complain about China, the country they voluntarily come to live in.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Ridiculous topics to some perhaps, but for many of use food and entertainments are important. As for venting, we all need to do it occasionally, even if it is only to complain about others' ridiculous topics ;-)

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I thought I covered this previously in another thread - Stage 6 is the Age of Decadence in which there is:

Obsession with food and Chefs
Undisciplined + over extended military
Conspicuous display of wealth
Disparity between rich and poor
Obsession with sex
Debasement of currency
Distraction by gladiatorial Games
Idolization of sports figures
Immorality + apathy
Desire for eternal youth

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