GoKunming Forums

Cheese! Where?

tvnewswatch (1 post) • 0

Whilst in Kaiyuan - where there is no cheese to be found whatsoever, except of course the local goat cheese known as rubin [乳饼], I bought a 4.5 kg Gouda from Taobao which shipped from Shanghai at a cost of around 350 RMB. Now in Kunming it is, of course, simpler to stroll into a supermarket however. The best available, though pricey, selection I've seen is at Metro, though you need to be a member or find someone who is. Only seen Edam at the local Walmart. Butter seems to be even harder to obtain, though I did get some NZ butter at Metro at a reasonable price.

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

They usually have Anchor butter at Carrefour on Longquan rd, I don't know about the other Carrefours. A smallish stick is about 12 kuai. They also have spreadable margerine if you are into that sort of thing. They have a small variety of cheeses.

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

We at Napa Valley Wine Bar (South Kunming - see listings) serve a variety of Cheese plates. (goes very well with wine and beer too :)

JanJal (1243 posts) • 0

Picking up this old thread instead of creating new.

Blue cheese (Roquefort, Gorgonzola, or any other variation) is one of my favourite pizza toppings, but I have yet to find a reliable source among local stores for it.

Metro sometimes has some, but not nearly always.

Does anyone know a place (other than online) with solid supply?

dolphin (509 posts) • 0

Sorry, don't know.
But cheese can be frozen, so you might want to consider stocking up at Metro ... I think the texture will change ... it might become more crumbly after thawing, but for pizza it might not matter much.

michael2015 (784 posts) • +1

Check with Salvadors and or the Park Bar & Grill owners on Blue Cheese and some of the other more popular cheeses, as I believe both serve blue cheese enhanced items. As these guys buy in bulk - you may be able to piggy back without getting hammered on price.

nnoble (889 posts) • +1

Danish Castello Camembert 125g and Danish Blue 100g are available in Parkson supermarket in the centre of town. Around 39 RMB each.

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