GoKunming Forums

Found out I am not really because because I don't drink

senorboogiewoogie (15 posts) • 0

I forgot, quick story, much quicker than above. (I am drinking now)

I was travelling in Xinjiang from Urumqi to Kashgar. We would arrive in Kashgar around 7 AM. I want to not be hungover for Kashgar. I wanted to see the city that day and not be hungover. The train arrived something like 8 AM.

The night before, this young Chinese guy wanted to drink beer with me. Again it is the 90% ratio, 9 times out of 10 I would have enjoyed his company and maybe learned some Chinese. I just dont want a hungover, thirsty day in a desert.

I tried to kindly tell him, no, I don't want to drink, but the guy would not give up. He was Han. He had a beer bottle and wanted to drink. I tried to sit in my bunk with a book to my eyes, but he would not get it, so I finally yelled at him in English but he understood. I wanted to be kind and dissuade him, and I hated to yell him to F*** Off! Nine of out of ten times we could have drank and hung out. He caught me the tenth time.

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