GoKunming Forums

Changed my mind...

Lubadi1234 (7 posts) • 0

Probably the owner of this thread already flew back to his country and left us here giving solutions and possible outcomes lol

vicar (817 posts) • 0

It’s common practice these days for schools to to finalize visa documents after a few weeks of work commencement. This is also unofficial advice by local authorities. Reason being teachers can change their minds at last minute, get offered higher salary elsewhere, competence and skills totally unrelated to their resume/interview, sick every other week etc...If the local authorities knew of your employment and visa process was underway, they will not take kindly to it. Acting in such a cavelier fashion as you have done let’s down students and creates confusion, wastes school time and money, adds stress to parents prime care - their kids and their education.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

I have been attacked by a student with a baseball bat, and I had to explain to the parents what I had done to make the child behave that badly. It later transpired that this student had been kicked out of more than one public school already.

We had other students that also had behavioral problems. The teachers were blamed by the parents for not handling their child appropriately. Again, it transpired that the student had been kicked out of local public schools (plural) for behavioral issues.
There have been parents that expect because they pay good money, the children should get good grades. The fact that their child has not worked to a good enough standard is lost on them.

Obviously it is neither the fault of the students or the parents. It must be the attitude of our teachers.

vicar (817 posts) • -1

Why explain to the parents what you had done if you know you didn’t provoke it? Stand your ground,even educate the parents/school, otherwise you’ll lose all respect and it’ll be more likely to reoccur.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

I phrased that badly. I should have written that I was expected to explain...I did stand my ground. The school knew the issue but had to let the parents have their say.

My wife has a friend who is the Head Master in a public high school. She said that she was not surprised, as they too have had similar problems, even with violence against teachers, and the students are usually the children of parents with connections.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

not bad consider these kids are the cream of the crop. i still blame the parents. if these kids have been kicked out of more than one place then there are only two common denomiators. parents and kids. possibly a third, the process of being edercated

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