GoKunming Forums

Martial arts/dance/pilates

jadorechocolate (37 posts) • 0

Hi All! Just moved to Kunming and looking for ways to stay active and meet new people. Anyone know of any martial arts dojos (preferably Kungfu), dance studios (contemporary/modern), and/or places that have reasonably priced Pilates or yoga classes??

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +2

There are some sports centres (e.g. Hongta Sports Centre) that do pay per class. Gyms vary in price, you have to pay a year up front, but I believe they offer free classes. There is a Dangsters dance studio.

If you want to meet locals, there are many groups that dance in public squares, not all of them old ladies, just keep an ear open for Eurobeat pop. I am not sure if these are free, or you put a few kuai in a box. I once saw a very large group of younger people (20s-30s) along Dongsi Lu, near the pagodas just south of Jinbi Square.
Also, check the listings section on here.

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