GoKunming Forums

Fitness apps data usage.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I've just downloaded a fitness app that tracks where I have been. Does anyone have any idea how much of my data package these apps eat?

Philou (208 posts) • +3

What phone and app? If your phone doesn't do it, you can probably track your data usage with an app...

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Ah! I didn't think of that. It is an iPhone 6 and the app is SpeedX Cycling. I need to find the data usage record. Do these apps generally use a lot of cellular data?

DanTheMan (620 posts) • +4

Generally, unless they're complete shit, they shouldn't. But they will drain your battery quicker because of the GPS.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

You could also get a big data plan. They are ridiculously generous with data now, at least the last time I checked in at a Unicomm store. Clerk told me for the same cost of my old plan I could get 2gb monthly data as long as it's all in Yunnan. Didn't need to sign up to any long contract either, and it might of even been more than 2gb.

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