GoKunming Forums

Please sign the petition.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@goldie, I've given my opinions, you've thanked me for those and the history lesson; so the matter is settled and I've moved on. But it would seem that you can't quite let go?

Do whatever you want to do it's none of my concern nor is what anybody else does, sign or not sign. If you are really in need of a suggestion on what to do, I would suggest you go back and re-read my posts for inspiration.


goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

As a foreigner, I wouldn't suggest one to stage a protest and get the media involved. I'm not looking to make trouble for myself. So, I was asking what you think I should do but I guess you prefer to keep quiet and do nothing and excuse bad behavior as a culture thing.

For someone who says it's none of their concern... you certainly have a lot of concern.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

You are correct, I have many concerns, I care about many things but what people do in this particular case, I couldn't care less. Or in your words, I could care less.

You know, you are starting to remind me more and more of someone I used to know. Extremely hostile to anyone who holds a different view from you then trying to play off nice as if you are simply trying to engaging in a friendly civil discussion all the while hiding from the fact that if it wasn't for GoK, your life wouldn't be exciting and you would have no one to talk to.

You want my suggestion, here it is. Go start a food review website using crowd funding. Once that takes off, start that "AMAZING western" restaurant you keep talking about and knock our socks off. And don't forget to use someone else's name to start your business otherwise Uncle Sam might reach across the pacific into your bank account to take out taxes and deny your next passport renewal.

Does that sum it up for you or do you wish to keep demonstrating your 3rd grade reading comprehension level?

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Of course it is, @Alien. Did you sign it yet? If you haven't then you better quick otherwise goldie will get on your case. After you've signed be sure to tell him so that he can reward you with a coke at Sal's.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

You couldn't care less, but you have the most posts... strange. Typical guy on a high horse. I don't NEED your advice on this matter or others, was just asking for your suggestion.

I'm not hostile with anyone else who posted so maybe you are the problem. ☺

@alien... now he's just acting like a 5 year old

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