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I'm against the dams, but it really hasn't been raining. Really.

What really happened is all in the above article, though the writer doesn't say it outright. A deal must have been struck before the summit: China gives some of the info it wants and plays nice at the summit if the other countries don't come out and point the finger at them.

It was palatable because the current drought really has to do with the lack of rain.

That sounds like quite a lot to stuff in a bra.

Either way, these women will most likely be executed. That's not funny.

In my opinion, for what it's worth, to say that the drying up of the Mekong river is solely the result of the lack of rain is like saying that it's really due to natural evaporation. Of course, without a doubt, the dams are the main reason, and continuing to build these dams will have a catastrophic effect in the very near future.

China's nationalistic bullying tactics of raping the natural environment of other countries in order to develop its own power base is nothing less than criminal.


Do they sell non-padded bras in China, I've only seen padded. Or maybe the unusual sight was them smiling and laughing?

This has even been picked up by the Economist:
The story mentions various recent cases around the country and that the press has been sympathetic:
"The latest flare-up in Kunming has also attracted considerable press attention. One newspaper website described the eruption as symptomatic of public resentment against local officialdom that could blow up like "a bomb at any time". Another newspaper attacked the Kunming authorities for releasing only bare details and not taking questions at a press briefing on the incident. A third suggested the official version of events, that the vendor had simply fallen over, might be a "lie" (a word even used in the headline). It quoted witnesses saying an officer had pushed over her pedicab, pinning the woman under it. A gas canister had then rolled on top of her, knocking her unconscious."

Do you think the cage smashers have some pretty good connections with the Kunming city government? They get paid to tear down the old cages and then get paid again to install the new jail bars. Really seems like a racket to me. Lots of money to be made on this deal!


Well - actually they're replacing external cages with flush-mounted bright shiny aluminum security bars.

"all-female metal band". I'm pretty sure that's one of those things that's either absolutely awesome or utter crap. No in betweens.


So if Yunnan typically has a surplus of energy, then why do smaller cities typically have to turn off power once in a while and send it to guangdong?