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High speed rail from Dali to Ruili is in operation. A two-hour journey.

@Peter is right. Cross-border illicit drug smuggling by Chinese-speaking Burmese ladies from Myanmar may still needs to be addressed w/ more accountability by local border patrols on both sides. It's Yunnan's wild west.

Limited transmission capacity is another issue facing these hydro renewable power sources.

Local transmission companies would rather take on cheaper, coal-fired power providers in lieu. Leaving low grid connectivity for these hydropower resources. "Curtailment" is the industry jargon for their poor access to the power market. Clean hydropower wastage ensues.

Beijing announced today to setup renewable power quotas. Mandating local governments to give renewable electricity sources priority grid access. The goal is to reduce wastage rates by 12% in 2019. 5% in two years.

Would it be entirely far-fetched to assume this lawsuit was somehow funded by competing coal industries as a mean of regaining leverage in the regional power market? Using own EPA-kryptonite to fight against their nemesis? Not so much peafowl as foul play. When it comes to business, murky policies sometimes flow with the money stream.

