用户配置文件: Greginchina

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Is QQ safe for my computer?

The main version of QQ fills your computer with all sorts of junk but the international one (which uses the same protocols so can connect with Chinese users) is safe but only available in English, Japanese and French (no Chinese).

Web QQ is the most safe as it runs QQ in a virtual machine inside your browser (but I believe it only has Chinese GUI).

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Toddler-friendly guesthouse in Dali?

We're going to be going to Dali next week for a few days to visit family. Been there loads of times in the past but not for a couple of years and this will be first time with a child. Can anyone recommend a nice guesthouse in the old town that is toddler-friendly?


No results found.


I've tried plenty of insects in Yunnan and while they are ok and I will happily eat if needed I don't think they are necessarily the answer to world hunger.

This TED talk by Allan Savory pretty much destroys much of the livestock/greenhouse gas theories. If it works, it would be a far better solution than grains or insects.

my wife posted the pic above of lots of people of dongfeng and it got deleted as inappropriate content - WTF? perhaps they thought it resembled a scene from later in same decade a bit further north-east?

Well perhaps Mr Sichuan People's Congress you'd consider investing in Kunming because the project is worthwhile and you'd get a suitable return on your investment and not because you'll be treated to "entertainment".

Police - don't arrest those pursuing the oldest profession in the world unless you have some way to get them into decent employment. Arrest the party members who think its acceptable to spend tax payers money on "entertainment"!

