
International Post Offices in Kunming?

kal1982 (11 posts) • 0

Is anybody aware of any International Postal Offices such as UPS, DHL or any of China's own International Postal Companies here in Kunming? I need to send out to the UK and have only managed to find China Post which is unsuitable for the goods i need to send out. Thanks.

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0

Kunming has DHL and Fedex offices and also UPS agents. If you look on their websites there should be a phone number you call (probably same number for all of China) where they can speak English. They'll come to you and pick up the package.
Alternatively China Post runs a service called EMS which is similar but cheaper - they won't come to you, you have to go to the post office.

kal1982 (11 posts) • 0

Thanks for that mate.

I have emailed DHL in China and see if they can send me their Kunming office address. I visited China Post the other day but they refused to send out herbal powder, however DHL via an email response said they would do it.

I am not aware of any home collection postal agencies here in Kunming, otherwise that would save me a great deal of work!

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0

not sure what the herbal powder is but the problem is often customs rather than the carrier. Need to check that it is likely to clear customs in both china and the place your sending it to.

piers (144 posts) • 0

DHL Tel: 4008108000
Mob: 13888651060

If you're sending a commercial package/sample etc you may need to write a note to accompany the package with a company seal/chop. Basically states that this package is from x to y, contains what, for what purpose and is valued at.... Write it in Chinese. I've sent DVDs from China and with that note have never had a problem.

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