
China credit score

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Another link in the 大哥 chain.

With the popularity and convenience of using plastic, spending habits are preserved for analysis. POS systems used by retailers and traders provide even more detail.

Brainwave monitoring is a new twist adding emotional surveillance to the tool bag of control.


大哥 can monitor internet activity and can know how money is being spent. Now 大哥 can create a collective picture of emotional responses.

Gives new meaning to "keep it under your hat."

michael2015 (784 posts) • 0

Governmental and commercial profiling using mobile media and software apps has been a known "thing" for decades, from the moment you bought your first computer and started web surfing or plugged into the LAN (local area network). Like any technology, government, religion or inanimate object - how it's used or managed determines its subjective and objective social, economic, environmental, and political value.

A modicum of privacy is provided by TOR (The Onion Ring) and similar techniques and technologies to help shield direct access to your machine's hardwired address, mobile phone number, etc that's ultimately directly linked to you.

A motivated individual, government, or commercial agency can quite easily circumvent any and or all security protocols you use, with the possible exception of VPNs and even that can be circumvented, if one knows how.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

I am pretty sure most of us knew about blanket commercial profiling, and also assumed government profiling was targeted.

Many of us were surprised by government's use of personal data (mostly metadata) in the Snowden revelations. However, very few of us suspected any more surprises of that magnitude to happen again, only to be greeted by the Cambridge Analytica revelations.

Personally, I believer the main drive for supercomputers will be surveillance. Pre Snowden, such views would have been viewed by many, including me, as paranoid. Post Snowden and Cambridge Analytica, such views are perhaps merely cynical.
Do I think I am being survieled? I think it probable.
Do I worry about my social credit score? As a foreigner, no. As an older guy, no I am a bit past worrying.

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