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Ernie; I would agree with you if, as you say, "Chinese are going to flood into Nepal?" I certainly agree that, today, Nepal may be pragmatic and accept aid from who ever cares to offer it.
But my suggestion is that this proven theory of a decades-long integration will be realized by the Nepalese only when it is too late.
I am surprised (if I understand you correctly) that you are unaware of the patience of the CCP when seen in their relationships with Tibet, Mongolia, Korea (and believe me when I assure you that the CCP believes Korea to be one country) Hong Kong and Macao, and Taiwan, et al (yes, et al).
Compared to China, I find it very difficult to describe India as a country with tentacles.


Bernie, what have you been smoking, sir? Chinese are going to flood into Nepal? Is this as opposed to India's tentacles which are already prominent in Nepal? The PLA is going to protect its citizens from the Nepalese? Maybe back when the Gurkhas invaded Tibet in the 19th century, but not today my friend. Nepal, being pragmatic, will gladly take any development aid that it can from its northern neighbour as well as its southern one.


dude, that's my cemetery, don't wear it out!

i first discovered it while cycling randomly about the west of town in 2001. in those days, it was much less developed out that way.

in summer, you sometimes get a good view of a forest fire on the neighbouring mountains from up there ;) you can also skip to bamboo temple through the funky little park, but you're supposed to pay (not always necessary)

Of course, there are two sides to this story. Communication and development and, closely related, politics.
Once again China spreads its tentacles, looking for an area with Tibetan links and a good defensive buffer against India. It saturates the country with Chinese and when the Nepalese revolt against this intrusion the Chinese will send the PLA to protect its citizens.
An old Soviet trick.


Such a nice post, informative as well as entertaining. Keep up the good job, Chris!

Nice accomplishment guys..

Lincang area mountains have been in my sights for a while.

Southern Yunnan is wonderful, we visit Jinggu (near Puer) to fly paragliders and visit mountain villages.

We developed a paragliding club and invite anyone to come and have fun or enroll in a course to learn paragliding.

Paraglide Yunnan will be going to Nepal in the first weeks of March 2011. Paraglide Yunnan has a sister club in Pokhara.

for details contact Mike,

No paraglider experience is required, just healthy.